Sunday, June 12, 2016

Analyze patches using Patch Wizard

Before applying any patch it is very important to know the prerequisites. We can get the information from read me and also through Oracle provided Patching Wizard.

In my system i have not provided the metalink credentials to patch wizard, thus i'll be downloading the patches manually and then place it inside the staging area in the server.

I specified my stage directory as /home/oaa/appldev/patchanalysis and the patch to be analyzed is-21980909. The stage directory is set by the option-Patch Wizard Preferences.

When i ran it i got the below error:

Patchlist: 21980909 Platform: 226 Languages:

Validating Staging directory '/home/oaa/appldev/patchanalysis'
Warning: Your MetaLink Credentials are not set. Download of patches skipped.
End of Patch Download Program for patch list.... [Jun 6, 2016 2:19:13 AM]

Calling Patch Upload Program for Patchlist.... [Jun 6, 2016 2:19:13 AM]

Starting Upload Process...
 Parameter List  21980909

Program Execution Start time: [Jun 6, 2016 2:19:14 AM]

Stage Dir is  /home/oaa/appldev/patchanalysis
Entity hastable created. Total entries : 239

Starting processing patch 21980909 at [Jun 6, 2016 2:19:14 AM]
ERROR: No patch zip file was present under stage directory

Program Execution End time: [Jun 6, 2016 2:19:14 AM]

From 12.1 onwards, we have to specify ad/ nonad under staging directory. I set the new staging directory as /home/oaa/appldev/patchanalysis/ad and rerun the patch wizard(Recommend/Analyze patches option.


The program completed with warning because the metalink credentials were not provided.

Click on Sub requests for more details

Click on details option. It will show the patch description, the prerequisites etc.


Friday, June 3, 2016

EBS 12.2.5 Demo image Compute Cloud

Whoever want to have a hands on EBS 12.2.5 cloud, he/she can refer the below note. image copy

Doc id-Doc ID 2066260.1

Community discussion-

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

After clone, not able to see log and out file from front end

Today we had an issue where just after recent refresh, users started complaining that they are not able to see the concurrent program log and out files. The error was "The Applications File Server could not open the file "path" for read.

How i did the troubleshooting.

1. We all know that RRA(FNDFS executable) is the default text viewer to view the out and log files. I verified that the profile option "RRA:Enabled is set to yes or not. It was set to yes in my case. If not, then change it to yes.

2. Then i verified whether the apps listener was running in all the nodes(it was shared appl top with 2 apps tier and 2 cm tier). It was running in all the nodes.

3. Then i started checking the files inside $TNS_ADMIN because RRA uses configuration file tnsnames.ora and listener.ora. As it was shared appl top so the FNDFS and FNDSM entry should have the details for all the nodes in tnsnames.ora file. In my case, there were few entries missing and i had to add them manually.

tnsnames.ora file.




Repeat the same and add all the nodes like above.

In the same way, add the FNDSM entries.

And then create a ifile and add all the entries.

ifile entry


Note: The FNDFS_APPL_TOP_nodename1 should have CM1 as first entry in app1 and app2 server.

Repeated the same in all the nodes and bounced the ebs services. Asked the users to validate the same and they confirmed that it is working fine.

Sample TNSNAMES.ORA(END Portion)

            (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=CM node hostname)(PORT=port no))
                (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=app2 node)(PORT=port no))
                (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=app1 node)(PORT=port no))
                (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=cm 2 node)(PORT=port no))
                (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=dmz node)(PORT=port no))
                (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=dmz node)(PORT=port no)))