Sunday, May 24, 2020

Load balancer dns url for EBS 12.2 in OCI

This is in continuation to my previous blog In this post, we will go through the steps on how we can customize the Oracle Cloud Load balancer public IP with a custom URL. This is important, where we don't want to expose the IP of the Oracle Cloud LB to the end user.

As per my previous post, our Oracle Cloud Load Balancer is sitting infront of the two Oracle EBS 12.2 application server and as the policy is set to weighted round robin, hitting the public ip of Oracle Cloud Load Balancer  redirects  to the first web server and next to the second web server and so forth.

Now, i am going to construct the Oracle Cloud Load balancer URL as In this post, I have not covered the SSL part. It will be taken up in the future posts.

In DNS Zone management of Oracle Cloud

Now create a A record with and lb public ip 150.XX.XX.XX and cname record with

And publish the changes.  Once the NS are added to the Domain Provider Zone management, it will take around 24 hours to get updated. We can do a nslookup to confirm if the changes have been updated or not.

Next, we need to modify the context file of the EBS web servers to point it to the LB.


shut down, autoconfig and start the services.

Now type the url

next post, i will show how we can enable SSL and terminate it at the load balancer. 

Hope, this post helps someone. Happy learning cloud.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Launch Compute instance using OCI-CLI

This is continuation to my previous post of on how to set up OCI-CLI in Oracle Cloud. In this post, i am going to create a compute instance using OCI-CLI.

Before we create a compute instance in Oracle cloud, we need to have basic details in hand.

The list of cli command reference can be retrieved from:-

1. Compartment id

oci iam user list –compartment-id

2. Availability Domain

[oracle@ebsapp01 .oci]$ oci iam availability-domain list --compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4a
  "data": [
      "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4a",
      "id": "ocid1.availabilitydomain.oc1..aaaaaaaatrwxaogr7dl4yschqtrmqrdv6uzis3mgbnomiagqrfhcb7mxsfdq",
      "name": "WDMA:US-ASHBURN-AD-1"
      "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4a",
      "id": "ocid1.availabilitydomain.oc1..aaaaaaaauvt2n7pijol7uqgdnnsoojcukrijtmcltvfwxazmitk235wyohta",
      "name": "WDMA:US-ASHBURN-AD-2"
      "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4a",
      "id": "ocid1.availabilitydomain.oc1..aaaaaaaaztunlny6ae4yw2vghp5go2zceaonwp6wiioe3tnh2vlaxjjl2n3a",
      "name": "WDMA:US-ASHBURN-AD-3"

3. Compute Shape

oci compute shape list --compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4a

4. Image list

oci compute image list --compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4

5. Subnet id

oci network subnet list --compartment-id ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4a --vcn-id ocid1.vcn.oc1.iad.amaaaaaaj6x6wyqagy3kmguyjlv3ljjbxdov7p2s667mebh6mpcqnigis6wq

Now, we have all the details. We can create a json script and pass the retrieved values generated above 

Json script can be generated using

oci compute instance launch --generate-full-command-json-input >compute_template.json

In this post, i am not going to use the json script. I am just forming the command as below:-

oci compute instance launch --availability-domain "WDMA:US-ASHBURN-AD-3" -c ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4a --shape "VM.Standard.E2.1" --display-name " ebsautoscale3" --image-id ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaasxwd6pbz6py3shznyfxuxexiatoxse7zyd7tz4tmra27wle6ydwq --ssh-authorized-keys-file "/home/oracle/.ssh/" --subnet-id ocid1.subnet.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaawridc2p4pnlzpra2rvoijzjevxvewgx7pwjn4ma4wwyu6oo6qala

  "data": {
    "agent-config": {
      "is-management-disabled": false,
      "is-monitoring-disabled": false
    "availability-domain": "WDMA:US-ASHBURN-AD-3",
    "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaallneylfbz5g5l53nnbdnalamdwprd6les4fzmc22ylf2zb5diu4a",
    "dedicated-vm-host-id": null,
    "defined-tags": {},
    "display-name": " ebsautoscale3",
    "extended-metadata": {},
    "fault-domain": "FAULT-DOMAIN-1",
    "freeform-tags": {},
    "id": "ocid1.instance.oc1.iad.anuwcljsj6x6wyqcsl5v4tmkczngxzzi6wsc2wnzzkkvkx2jdx2i545ccjza",
    "image-id": "ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaasxwd6pbz6py3shznyfxuxexiatoxse7zyd7tz4tmra27wle6ydwq",
    "ipxe-script": null,
    "launch-mode": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
    "launch-options": {
      "boot-volume-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
      "firmware": "UEFI_64",
      "is-consistent-volume-naming-enabled": true,
      "is-pv-encryption-in-transit-enabled": false,
      "network-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED",
      "remote-data-volume-type": "PARAVIRTUALIZED"
    "lifecycle-state": "PROVISIONING",
    "metadata": {
      "ssh_authorized_keys": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC7yczf1oJki5RnHH97Bb2GDAxkYWc0R2OTPGTAXTmbN9Nsqh0KmckgoUa86rk2B8xT2dR2gezpjOVArva53ebrm3ciWZ3kcKoETG63VNoDdXCYQWIshbAn23Yyi9TLuP03iy9FLtsPT1vWeFq1hnFtqqiSOaUX/h5mcisZRhG9CrsTv+n+2HZjnGHSyf5ocmfBvbmwFBJX+8AnNq8Vj3m7mQb9ITVaFNOOSei5x9t1Rdfk/JhX2aOEmhiVHn/a8yD6OM7t1y02uxx+aZCOAn+2PzV+/R3MGDa5X0QPLPW7G+EJ8F/ek7/tyb2TrPWv8Fs4DRidHpDHsEp/Sy2TmgKb opc@ebsapp01\n"
    "region": "iad",
    "shape": "VM.Standard.E2.1",
    "shape-config": {
      "gpu-description": null,
      "gpus": 0,
      "local-disk-description": null,
      "local-disks": 0,
      "local-disks-total-size-in-gbs": null,
      "max-vnic-attachments": 2,
      "memory-in-gbs": 8.0,
      "networking-bandwidth-in-gbps": 0.7,
      "ocpus": 1.0,
      "processor-description": "2.0 GHz AMD EPYC\u2122 7551 (Naples)"
    "source-details": {
      "boot-volume-size-in-gbs": null,
      "image-id": "ocid1.image.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaasxwd6pbz6py3shznyfxuxexiatoxse7zyd7tz4tmra27wle6ydwq",
      "kms-key-id": null,
      "source-type": "image"
    "system-tags": {},
    "time-created": "2020-05-13T09:30:12.144000+00:00",
    "time-maintenance-reboot-due": null
  "etag": "e2630b3946def3135a89744a2e7c1b97abbf177141aa014ba14ee739b1903f49",
  "opc-work-request-id": "ocid1.coreservicesworkrequest.oc1.iad.abuwcljs5gowykihovdespl5vpj3aczance5nxzxchr2krarhpj573fv4bya"
[oracle@ebsapp01 .ssh]$

We can verify it from the console now

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Configuring OCI Load balancer for EBS 12.2

This is a step by step on how we can use Load balancer as a service for EBS 12.2 in OCI. I have a running EBS 12.2 instance running with two application nodes. The application is running on port number 8001 and to make it highly available, i will be using LbaaS sitting infront of them.

1. Create a load balancer security lists. We will not add any rules to it.

2. Create the route table and add the internet gateway to it.

3. Create two AD specific subnet


4.   Create load balancer. Here i am creating a public load balancer so it will be accepting requests from internet.

click on add backend servers

choose the port for ebs 8001

Click on submit.

Once the load balancer is created, add the below ingress and egress rule to the security list for load balancer(LB Security list)

Hope it helps someone. Happy learning.