Monday, March 12, 2018

change apps password in ebs 12.2

how to know the weblogic port.

Open the context file and search for s_wls_adminport. Now form the URL http://<server name>. <domain name> : <weblogic Admin Port>/console

FNDCPASS apps/manager 0 Y system/manager  SYSTEM APPLSYS password
Now start only the admin server. start
Now open the console,

Click on "lock and edit".
Domain structure>services>data sources
click on EBSdatasource>connection pool tab>npassword>save.
heck if from apps tier, we are able to connect using sqlplus apps/newpassword

and click on activate changes in admin console.
run autoconfig and then start the apps services

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You have option through command line as well

    perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/

    Please select from list of valid options
    updateDSPassword - Update WebLogic Datasource Password
    updateDSJdbcUrl - Update WebLogic Datasource Connection String
    Enter Your Choice : updateDSPassword
    Enter the full path of Applications Context File [DEFAULT -
