In this post, i will try to give the step by step on how to configure EBS cloud manager. It is already assumed that by going through the link Oracle® E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Guide, all the prerequisite tasks and EBS Cloud manager topology have been have been completed. If you need an overview of EBS Cloud manager, you can go through my earlier blog
In the EBS Cloud manager compute instance, Run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script for the First Time
-bash-4.2$ perl
Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/configure_2021-01-09_09_33_15.log
Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM 20.2.1
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password : *************
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin User OCID (Non-Federated) : ocid1.user.oc1..********************
Enter Full path to API Private Signing Key : /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
Enter Tenancy OCID : ocid1.tenancy.oc1..*******************
Validating OCI credentials. Please wait.
Do you wish to use an existing Load Balancer??
1: yes
2: no
Enter your choice: 1
Getting list of available Load Balancers. Please wait.
Available Load Balancers:
1: Cloud_manager
Choose Load Balancer from above list: 1
Enter Load Balancer Listener Port : 443
Validating Port. Please wait.
Enter CIDR Block (Range) from which Client can Access Load Balancer Listener Port: 192.0***/24
Summary of Inputs
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager User Name ( Non Federated ) : *****
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager User OCID ( Non Federated ) : ocid1.user.oc******************
Fingerprint of API Public Key : 1d:**************
Path to Private PEM key file : /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
Tenancy OCID : ocid1.tenancy.*************
Region : us-ashburn-1
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM Compartment Name : ebscm-compartment
Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM Compartment OCID :****************
Network Compartment Name : ebscm-compartment
Network Compartment OCID : ocid1.compartment.*********************
Network VCN Name : ebscm-vcn
Network VCN OCID : ocid1.vcn.oc1.***************
Use an existing Load Balancer : true
Load Balancer Listener Port : 443
CIDR Block (Range) from which Client can Access Load Balancer Listener Port : 192*****
Load Balancer Name : Cloud_manager
Load Balancer OCID : ocid1.*****************************
Load Balancer Visibility Type : Public
Load Balancer Shape : flexible
Load Balancer Subnet Name : lbaas-subnet-phx
Load Balancer Subnet OCID : ocid1.subnet*******************
Load Balancer Subnet CIDR : 10.******
Do you wish to continue??
1: yes
2: no
Enter your choice: 1
Database schema is already configured. No action needed.
Setting up Load Balancer for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM. This may take a few minutes. Please wait.
Checking Security Lists of LBaaS Subnet, lbaas-subnet-phx
Checking Security Lists of Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM Subnet, ebscm-subnet-phx with source CIDR 10.0**********
Load Balancer Cloud_manager configuration completed. It is not ready to use until you add required rules as per any errors mentioned above.
Register confidential application in IDCS with URL: https://193.********:443 and then re-run this script to update your IDCS configuration.
Finished Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM.
Login URL: https://193.*********:443
Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS as per the documentation.
Register Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager as a Confidential Application
Login to the IDCS console using the non federated user credentials which you have created during the initial setup.
Select confidential application
Under grant, click on add and select authenticator and me
Note down the following
Client ID, Client Secret and Oracle identity service tenant value.
Run Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Configure Script for the Second Time
-bash-4.2$ perl
Created log file: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/configure_2021-01-09_10_27_12.log
Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM 20.2.1
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password : *************
Enter IDCS Client ID : d*********************
Enter IDCS Client Secret : 6********************************
Enter IDCS Client Tenant : idcs-*****************
Summary of Inputs
IDCS Client ID : d*******************
IDCS Client Secret : 6********************
IDCS Client Tenant : idcs-*****************
IDCS Host : https://idc******************
Do you wish to continue??
1: yes
2: no
Enter your choice: 1
Database schema is already configured. No action needed.
Load Balancer Cloud_manager is already configured. No action needed.
Configuring IDCS
Installing Chef Server. Please wait.
Starting ChefServer.
Uploading cookbooks
Stopping Node and Job Server if running.
Starting Node and Job Server.
Finished Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager VM.
Login URL: https://19**********:443
Ensure the confidential application is correctly configured in IDCS as per the documentation.
Update local machine etc host file.
load balancer IP public IP for EBS Compute instance
Create Network Profile
bash-4.2$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
-bash-4.2$ perl
Program: started at Sun Jan 10 08:58:23 2021
Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/ProvisionOCINetwork_Sun_Jan_10_08_58_23_2021.log
This script will be creating following subnets
EBS subnet 1: This subnet will be used in One-Click Provisioning to deploy Single Image EBS VM. For Advanced Provisioning this subnet will be used to deploy EBS apps tier VM.
EBS subnet 2: This subnet will be used in Advanced Provisioning to deploy EBS db tier VM.
LBaaS subnet: This subnet will be used for Advanced Provisioning and One-Click Provisioning to deploy Load Balancer.
Enter Y to proceed or N to exit: Y
Enter user ocid: *******************
Enter absolute path of private key of API signing key: /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
Enter tenancy ocid: *********************************************
Validating user and fetching OCI metadata...
Enter unique identifier for the EBS network: ebscmnet
Enter EBS subnet 1 CIDR (E.g.
Enter EBS subnet 2 CIDR (E.g.
Enter LBaaS subnet CIDR (E.g.
Are you sure you want to proceed with the above inputs? [Y/N]: Y
Creating network for EBS with unique identifier ebscmnet
Executing command: /u01/install/APPS/bin/terraform init
Executing command: /u01/install/APPS/bin/terraform apply -auto-approve
Creating network profile /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/ebscmnet_networkprofile.txt
Creating ingress Security Rule with source 10.****** and port 443 for Security List ebscmvm-seclist.
Creating ingress Security Rule with source 10.0.******** and port 443 for Security List ebscmvm-seclist.
Oracle EBS Cloud related network created successfully.
List of resources created:
Program: completed at Sun Jan 10 09:04:03 2021
Advanced Network Profile JSON Path: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/build/ebscmnet/ebscmnet_DEFAULT_PROFILE_ADVANCED.json
OneClick Network Profile JSON Path: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/build/ebscmnet/ebscmnet_DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK.json
Execute /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin/ to Upload JSON into DB
Now run the upload script. The script needs to be uploaded twice, the first time for the One-Click Provisioning default network profile and the second time for the Advanced Provisioning default network profile.
-bash-4.2$ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/bin
-bash-4.2$ perl
Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/UploadOCINetworkProfile_Sun_Jan_10_09_04_56_2021.log
Enter Network profile JSON file absolute path: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/build/ebscmnet/ebscmnet_DEFAULT_PROFILE_ADVANCED.json
Enter User OCID: oci**************************
Enter Absolute path of private key of API signing key: /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
Enter Tenancy OCID: ocid1.*************
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password:
Executing: ebscm_add_default_network_profile API for DEFAULT_PROFILE_ADVANCE
Executing Stored Procedure: ebscm_add_default_network_profile
RetCode: 0
Row count: 0
ADVANCED Network Profile uploaded successfully.
-bash-4.2$ perl
Log File : /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/out/UploadOCINetworkProfile_Sun_Jan_10_09_07_15_2021.log
Enter Network profile JSON file absolute path: /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/build/ebscmnet/ebscmnet_DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK.json
Enter User OCID: ocid******************
Enter Absolute path of private key of API signing key: /u01/install/APPS/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
Enter Tenancy OCID: ocid1****************
Enter Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Admin Password:
Executing: ebscm_add_default_network_profile API for DEFAULT_PROFILE_ONECLICK
Executing Stored Procedure: ebscm_add_default_network_profile
RetCode: 0
Row count: 0
ONECLICK Network Profile uploaded successfully.
Access your EBS Cloud Manager URL now
This completes the configuration of EBS Cloud Manager and on how we can launch the GUI based interface. Lots of improvisation have been done which i will be exploring now and hopefully i will be able to blog them as well. Till then happy learning Oracle Cloud and off course EBS :)