Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance configuration issues

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Compute Instance configuration issues

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager - Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager is a graphical user interface used for creating, managing, and configuring Oracle E-Business Suite environments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager can be used with the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module to lift and shift or clone environments from onpremises to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Issues Encountered:-

Recently, i was trying to configure Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager and as part of which when i tried to run the perl configure.pl script, encountered the below error

[2021/01/02 14:37:20]:BMCUtils::printOutErrorUtil: INFO:
---- Err: START ----
"code": "NotAuthorizedOrNotFound",
"message": "Authorization failed or requested resource not found",
"opc-request-id": "DAA8DCE74C3C4F6291B2E0A8F4011B72/8C171D153E97B1ECBB5D8A5553B8EFBD/CAC67E1B04F8787E886355B92D0FA89D",
"status": 404

To avoid the errors, we can crosscheck the below points

  1. make sure .pem files are owned by Oracle user
  2. check the permissions of the .oci directory and the .pem files inside it
  3. Ensure that the user who will do the api calling are non federated user
  4. Check if the non federated user has been assigned to any group in OCI

 Another issue which i encountered is:-

Utils::executeConfigCmd: INFO: ^[[1m^[[31mError: ^[[0m^[[0m^[[1mService error:InvalidParameter. shapeDetails cannot be null when shape is flexible. http status code: 4

To get rid of this error, i had to create a flexible load balancer first and then deleted the listener which got created as part of load balancer creation.

Then choose the option of

1. Use an existing load balancer when you run the perl configure.pl script.

Issue:-log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.BMCS credential validation failed. Detailed error: (404, NamespaceNotFound, false) You do not have authorization to perform this request

Make sure the user for which you are passing the ocid have the authorization to create resources in the following compartment in which you want the backups and new provisioned environment to be.

Issue:-Trying to establish SSH connection using custom private key file /home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsacom.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth failat com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:512)at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(Session.java:183)at oracle.apps.liftNshift.secure.util.STAGE.EBSLiftNShiftJSCHSessionManager.createJSCHSession(EBSLiftNShiftJSCHSessionManager.java:268)

Created a id_rsa and id_rsa.pub keys. Copied .pub keys to >>authorized_keys. And then using puttygen created a new ppk file from id_rsa file and copied it to server

In my next post https://samappsdba.blogspot.com/2021/01/step-by-step-configure-ebs-cloud-manager.html, i have demonstrated on how we can configure EBS Cloud Manager.

Where can i get  EBS Cloud Manager:-

As of now, the latest Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager version is 20.2.1 which we can get it easily from Oracle Cloud Marketplace and configure it using https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E26401_01/doc.122/f35809/toc.htm

There are considerable changes done to this version and i can't wait to get my hands dirty and play with it.

What is new in this version:-

Advanced Provisioning

Multi-zone support

Enhanced logical hostname support

Public SSH keys deployment

Automated Standby Deployment (EBS 12.2 with DB on Compute)

On-premise to cloud standby deployment

Reduced downtime lift and shift

Cloning on Compute

Option to choose different shapes for target

Extensibility Framework

Capability to add post-execution tasks to provisioning and cloning flows

Support for seeded and custom tasks

Capability to pause and resume execution flows

Lifecycle Management

Horizontal scaling

Backup scheduling





  1. Hi.
    I have nex issue with EBSCloudBackup.pl, in Apps Tier Disk Space Validation:

    In case want to use custom Private Key, provide absolute private key file location else press Enter:
    In case want to connect target host via proxy server, provide proxy server hostname else press Enter:
    Trying to establish SSH connection using custom private key file /u01/install/APPS/.ssh/id_rsa
    *** RemoteCmd: [/u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/remoteclone/3pt/jre/bin/java -cp /u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/remoteclone/lib/cln_utils.jar:/u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/remoteclone/3pt/jsch.jar:/u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/remoteclone/3pt/ext-jars/* oracle.apps.liftNshift.validations.EBSLiftDiskSpaceValidation -sourceDirectories /u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/appl,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/comn,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/tech_st/10.1.2,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/tech_st/10.1.3 -sourceExcludeDirectories /u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/comn/adopclone_*,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/comn/clone.*,/u01/R12_TEST/apps/apps_st/comn/clone_* -workerCount 2 -tier Application -stageDirectoryPath /u02/appl -manifestJSONFilePath /u02/appl/session/9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E/apps_manifest.json -sessionID 9A315ABA97F7181A505B5A1E0488381E]

    at oracle.apps.liftNshift.util.EBSLiftMiscellaneousUtil.deriveRequiredFiles(EBSLiftMiscellaneousUtil.java:98)
    at oracle.apps.liftNshift.validations.EBSLiftDiskSpaceValidation.main(EBSLiftDiskSpaceValidation.java:246)
    usage: java -cp
    [-binSizeInBytes binSizeInBytes] -stageDirectoryPath stageDirectoryPath
    -sessionID sessionID -sourceDirectories sourceDirectories [-h]
    [-sourceExcludeDirectories sourceExcludeDirectories] [-workerCount
    workerCount] -tier tier [-manifestJSONFilePath manifestJSONFilePath]
    -binSizeInBytes BIN size in bytes.
    -h,--help print usage and
    -manifestJSONFilePath The absolute path
    of the Upload manifest JSON file
    -sessionID EBS backup
    -sourceDirectories The absolute path
    of the input files/directores. Multiple entries should be separated by
    -sourceExcludeDirectories The absolute path
    of the input files/directores. Multiple entries should be separated by
    comma. Support * character at the end only to specify list of file/dir
    -stageDirectoryPath The absolute path
    of the stage directory.
    -tier The tier on which
    disk checking being run. Available values[Application or Database]
    -workerCount parallel worker
    Failed with code: 1
    [2021/03/26 21:21:39] [APPSTIEREBSVALIDATION] ERROR: Source application tier post-validation failed.

    I do not know how I can solve it and complete Oracle EBS Backup to OCI.


  2. Dear Cristanchelo: Were you able to resolve the above issue, please guide me if so. I got exactly the same issue.

  3. Thanks for sharing this wonderfull info
