We had an issue where all of a sudden after the DB bounce, extract was not coming up with errors ORA-28374: typed master key not found in wallet. This GG environment was acting a downstream mining and redo logs were coming from Source SaaS(Oracle Fusion). The first thing i did, is to go through the alert log. Found the trace file from the alert log and got the below warnings being reported.
kcrf_decrypt_redokey: dumping redo key 1344d0d94ad0a8347de7dda9e709dbff ======>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DB is looking for this key as per trace file
kcrf_decrypt_redokey: dumping mkloc 1 mkid in log header 2f4219da61094fefbfc613ba4b51407a ======>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DB is looking for this key as per trace file
kcrf_decrypt_redokey: dumping active kcbtsemkloc 1, kcbtsemkid 8655dd60aa2c4f6ebfd407dbecfd5e5b ======>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DB is looking for this key as per trace file
Now from the information above, how can we know which keys does the DB is referring to
How we can decrypt it:-
SQL> select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( utl_encode.base64_encode('01'||'2f4219da61094fefbfc613ba4b51407a')) from dual;
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